
March 25, 2020

by Seth Hendon

On behalf of the Wild Tomorrow Fund team, I hope that you and your loved ones are safe. Understanding that in this tumultuous time we are all focused on our own security and that of our own families, friends and neighbors, we wanted to let you know that Wild Tomorrow Fund continues to do our work – saving and protecting vulnerable wildlife and wild habitats. 

The coronavirus pandemic has made clear that our work is more important than ever. As Sonia Shah wrote just last month in The Nation:

“Habitat destruction threatens vast numbers of wild species with extinction….It also forces those wild species that hang on to cram into smaller fragments of remaining habitat, increasing the likelihood that they’ll come into repeated, intimate contact with the human settlements expanding into their newly fragmented habitats. It’s this kind of repeated, intimate contact that allows the microbes that live in their bodies to cross over into ours, transforming benign animal microbes into deadly human pathogens.”

Saving threatened species has always motivated our work – and now we see that by protecting wild habitats we are also protecting the human species.

We know that the coming months will be challenging, mentally, physically and financially – particularly as several of our fund-raising events (and counting) have been canceled.  If you would like to support our work, please donate below.  We literally could not do the work we do without you. This has never been more true than it is today.

With gratitude and determination,

Seth Hendon
Board Chairman

Wild Tomorrow Fund