How did you become inspired to help African wildlife conservation?

I’m originally from South Africa, and grew up visiting the bush, camping, and exploring the many wildlife parks. Most of my career I have lived and worked in Asia, Europe and USA, but I always kept returning to Africa to visit the bush and introduce others to the magic of Africa. The opportunity to be in nature, and experience the amazing variety of animals in their natural habitat, is a restorative and invigorating experience that I want to share with others.

Why did you choose to join the Board?

I was looking for a way to give back and help ensure that the opportunities I had to experience wildlife were increasingly available to future generations. I feel strongly that a 360 approach that includes people, community, land and wildlife is essential for protecting the environment for future generations.

What inspires you the most about Wild Tomorrow's mission?

Their holistic approach to protect, restore and re-wild, which addresses all aspects of a given ecosystem, and is integrated with people and community.