Have you heard of the pangolin? Pangolins are amazing. And yet, they could disappear before most people have even heard of them. The pangolin species carries with its name the tragic status of being the most trafficked mammal in the world. In Africa, one pangolin is poached from the wild every five minutes to satisfy demand from the illegal wildlife trade.
We are delighted to support the re-introduction of pangolins to southern KwaZulu-Natal. These individual pangolins, including the pangolin pictured here, have all been rescued and re-wilded from the illegal wildlife trade. It’s a long journey towards their recovery, and we need your help to support them. Practical items are needed from telemetry sets for post-release monitoring to tags and camera traps.
We also support the brave work of Conserv Congo in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They are actively working undercover to bust pangolin poachers and stop the illegal trade in wildlife. They need funding to support their intelligence work and the purchase of equipment including GPS trackers, drones, smart phones and concealed cameras.