We would like your help to build a kitchen and dining hall for the 32 children of the Theleluwazi Kindergarten in rural South Africa. This will greatly improve the lives of both the teachers and children.
To complete this project we must raise US $28,000.
Proposed design created by the Africa Foundation.
Wild Tomorrow Fund’s wildlife reserve in South Africa is located next to the rural Mduku community, home to 20,000 people. In remote communities like Mduku, schools are often overlooked or chronically lack resources. The area has high levels of poverty, with unemployment in 2019 registering at 42.4%. Due to the lack of local job, around 60% of the adult population migrates to cities leaving children with either extended family members or the eldest child in the household.
Without education, rural people cannot break the cycle of poverty. This cycle starts from early childhood. in 2017 to address this need, a group of community members volunteered to create a new school for the youngest children to learn - and receive a daily meal. They were given space in an old church building. We were introduced to the school in 2018 by community leaders. We immediately realized their need for assistance. We agreed to first buiild them a school house, and then a kitchen and dining hall.
In 2019, Wild Tomorrow Fund raised the funds to construct a brand new schoolhouse, including three enviro-loos. It is now attended by 32 children. We continue to raise funds to pay for the teachers monthly stipends (they were previously unpaid) as a well as the finances needed for daily school lunches. For some children this may be the only meal they receive that day.
TOTAL: $28,000
Teachers currently cook the daily school meal outside on wood fires and cast-iron pots.
A kitchen and dining hall is urgently needed for both the children and teachers. Currently, the teachers cook the daily lunch for the children outside on wood-fires, come rain, hail or hot sun. They serve up the meals under the schoolhouse porch on the concrete slab where the children congregate to eat.
We desperately want to improve the lives of the teachers and children by providing them with a kitchen and dining hall.
Proposed design created by the Africa Foundation.
For this community development project, we are partnering with The Africa Foundation. Formed in 1992, they have built over 100 schools in our region. Under their guidance, we have created a detailed budget, building plans and timeframe. The one-story building, located next to the schoolhouse, will have a kitchen, pantry and dining hall large enough to seat all children and teachers. It will be constructed using community members.
Total Cost $28,000
Timeframe: 3 months
Construction employment: 6 men for 3 months